Last week, the residents of dormitories participated in an interesting and unusual event "The hostel competition." The name competition is symbolic because it was held in a friendly atmosphere throughout the entire week of competition.

On the first day there was the "Everything is clean and tidy" campaign. Indeed, the rooms were perfectly clean.

Dinners were organized during the next two days. On Tuesday, the visitors met with the residents of the hostel number 2, and on Wednesday the hosts were the students of hostel number 1. The diversity of the life plans successfully implemented in life was impressive. Ukrainian themes were prevailing.

The students were very responsible and creative about meeting guests and making menu. They have carefully planned everything: the room design, the table setting, the clothing. The main concern was not only to arrange a festive table and prepare delicious food but also to evaluate the hosts after each dinner.

On the last day of the competition the students created collages of life in the hostels. The winners will be the announcement next week.

Пресцентр УДПУ