Representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University - Igor Kryvosheya, the Scientific Director of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center, and Peter Pyzel, the teacher of Polish language, Ph.D. in Humanities took part in the celebrations dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the independence of Poland. About 300 people - the representatives of Polish political and religious organizations in Ukraine, Polish lecturers and journalists took part in the celebration which took place on November the 12 at the Embassy of Poland in Kiev.

The formal part of the program began with a choir performing the anthems of Poland and Ukraine. Henryk Litwin, the Ambassador of Poland in Ukraine and his wife Anne warmly greeted the audience. The Ambassador is a famous diplomat, known expert on the history of the Commonwealth of the XVI - XVII century, he cooperates with our University. On the occasion of the Polish state Henryk Litwin presented books and movie discs by Polish directors to the Polish Cultural and Educational Center. The atmosphere of the event was friendly and relaxed. The participants of the meeting exchanged ideas and discussed the future plans.

The Polish Cultural Centre of the University joined the celebration of the Independence Day of Poland. During the Polish movie lecture the students had an opportunity to watch "The Death of the President" by Jerzy Kavalerovich. Piotr Pyzel, the teacher of Polish told everyone about the ways of celebrating this holiday in Poland and he stressed the importance of that day for the Polish people.

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