Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

For several years the choreographer students at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University prepare some new dance program for the young people of the city to congratulate everyone on the International Student Day. And this year was no exception. All the volunteers had an opportunity to join...
It was a unique holiday we celebrated for the first time. As part of celebrating the student week a "live chain" between the campuses of the University was formed on November the 13th. All departments were taking part in that activity, the total number of participants being over a thousand...
Recently, an exhibition of student works dedicated to the Day of Student was taking place in "Stara Uman' historical and cultural reserve. It was the first of events starting a variety of holiday actions taking place in USPU during the week. Most of works exhibited belong to the students of our...
In the central square there was an event dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of student - the student flash mob. The action was attended by hundreds of students from different schools. The most active participants in the youth event were the students of our University. The...
This issue concerning the professional competence of teachers of English was discussed at the meeting of the working group of the project implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the British Council in Ukraine. The working group consisting of 12 people included three...
The Youth meeting of Cherkasy dedicated to the International Day of the student attended by the representatives of Ukrainian Student Council and Student Council at the Cherkasy Regional State Administration, students receiving the scholarship grants of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna...
Have you heard it? Have you seen it? It's a pity of not. Because we captured the spirit of the most fabulous start of the student week at USPU. It was a long awaited event... The program was so varied and eventful that it was great fun. Every day was a Student Day! Of course, everyone waited for...
On November the 9th Artem Savenko, the student of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University participated in the "K2 Promotions" professional boxing tournament in Kiev and thus became the third professional boxer in our Oblast. Artem Savenko has won the battle! Congratulations to...
Some people create beauty in words, others captivate with marvelous sounds, and others impress with mesmerizing colors... People show a unique beauty in their paintings. Joy and pleasure received from contemplating the painted masterpieces are shared with the artist in the process of knowing the...
With the support of the university administration and the trade union the educational department organized a two-day educational trip to Lviv for the teachers and students. The bus tour ran through the city of Pochaiv where the tourists visited the largest Orthodox shrine of Volyn - the Pochaiv...