Dear students! Dear friends!
I heartily congratulate you on the International Student Day!

The student life is an important stage of personal development; it is the time of setting the life goals and priorities, a large step on the way of knowledge.

Students always possess such important features as freedom, dedication, progressive view of the surrounding world, optimism and desire to contribute to the development of the country. I believe that in the future you will make positive changes, objective judgments of the educational reform in Ukraine; you will become a good team to replace the older generation and promote socio- economic, scientific, spiritual, cultural and international growth of our country. Your learning and the pursuit of self- perfection, creative thinking and self-realization would be the key to this.

And the government is doing everything possible to give you the necessary knowledge in your alma mater to fully discover your potential and realize your goals.

Especially I would like to congratulate of freshers of this year - those who celebrate this holiday for the first time. I wish you inspiration, persistence and perseverance on the path to higher education. May this time bring you lots of exciting new experience and acquaintances, high achievements and accomplishments!

To the students who are graduating soon I wish a successful career, significant achievements and brilliant victories!

I wish you health, academic excellence, professional and interesting way of life, fulfillment of your cherished dreams. Have a wonderful, warm feeling in your hearts and stay in festive mood

Best wishes,
Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine
Dmytro Tabachnyk,