Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Natalia Leshchenko, the postgraduate student of English Language and methodology of teaching at USPU is studying at Jagiellonian University in Krakow on the Erasmus Mundus Ianus program. The internship will last for two semesters at the Institute of Slavic Studies and the departments of...
On November the 28, 2013 "Ethnology of Cherkassy region" modern folklore and ethnography research laboratory of Department of Ukrainian language and literature of Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University held a regional contest in Ukrainian for pupils grades 8-11 of secondary schools in order...
Of the International Day of Disabled People the Sociology and Psychology Department held the "Center of social and educational integration of disabled people: background and prospects" round table. Galina Kucher, Deputy Mayor, Head of Labor and Social Welfare of the residents of the City Council...
The representatives of Nature and Geography Department at USPU - Svitlana Sovgira, Professor of chemistry, ecology and methods of teaching chemistry and ecology, Roman Podzerey, lecturer in chemistry, ecology and methods of teaching chemistry and ecology and graduate student Svitlana Lyulenko...
Tetiana Soloschenko, the graduate of the History Department of USPU and now a doctoral student at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan received the Diploma for the second place in the VII contest named after Jerzy Giedroycia for the best undergraduate, master's and Ph.D. thesis on the history and...
Today, the students and the high school students went out to the streets of Cherkasy Oblast to take part in peaceful actions in support European Union and express their civic position. We share the aspirations of the younger generation to acquire the European education, work and live in the...
Since 1988, December the 1st marks the World AIDS Day. On this day people unite in the efforts to organize the activities aimed at eliminating the pandemic disease that has become common in all the regions of the world. Unfortunately, Ukraine is notorious for being most severely affected by...
The Korsun - Shevchenko Pedagogical College named after T.G. Shevchenko turned 90. Founded in 1923 as Higher Pedagogical Courses of Korsun it passed several stages of development: Teachers College, College, and now - Pedagogical College. In spite of the change of the status of an institution the...
This God-given science We receive as a priceless gift. The reason is the highest And this will never shift. (“the song of mathematics”, lyrics by D. Onyschuk, music by O. Howeli) The Physics and Mathematics Department held a week of mathematics. The event was intended to promote the...
USPU actively develops double degree programs implemented in cooperation with the Polish universities and coordinates the activities of the Polish Cultural Centre. Now Vladislav Mazur, Valentina Cherevchenko and Yuriy Hanushchak, the USPU students are obtaining Master’s degree in the Institute of...