On behalf of the staff USPU Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector and Oleksandr Osadchiy, the Head of the Trade Union congratulated the agricultural workers of the district on their professional holiday. On the eve of the holiday there were festive events at the Cultural Center of Rodnykivka village. The representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University were also invited to participate in the ceremony.

Anatoliy Petrenko, the Head of Uman District State Administration, expressed his gratitude to all those who care about their land as the highest treasure for future generations, increases employment gains in agricultural area. He also mentioned the processing and service industries as well as educational institutions that train qualified personnel for the district, including our University.

After the official part of the event the audience were invited to see the concert with the participation of the best dance groups of USPU bearing the honorary title of "People" ("Visavi" Modern Dance amateur folk ensemble (directed by - Lyudmila Androschuk), and "Yavoryna" national amateur folk dance ensemble (directed by Sergiy Kutsenko). In addition, Vira Kalabska, the Lecturer of Arts and Pedagogics Department of the Institute of Child Development, winner of the XXIII International Competition held in the ancient city of Lanchiano (Italy) demonstrated her performance skills playing domra. She has performed as a part of the "Quinton" instrumental band at regional center of culture and entertainment.

Our teams received applause and gratitude of the audience for taking part in a concert. Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector congratulated the agricultural workers on their professional holiday, thanked for the preservation of culture and spirituality in the native land and wished them further professional achievements to improve the welfare of the people in the village, city and the entire Ukraine.

Additional information:
Uman district is the leader in the agricultural sphere. This year the total yield of grain crops will be 330 thousand tons, of which 163.2 thousand tons of early grain crops. The average yield of all crops in the district is - 63.5 kg / ha.

Пресцентр УДПУ