Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The USPU students who are studying at the Jan Amos Comenius High School of Professional Education in Leszno continue to share their experiences. Tetyana Matola, the fourth-year student of Ukrainian Philology Department is one of the students. Participation in the student exchange program was...
On November the 20th Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University organized a presentation of new publications of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky initiated by the Ukrainian Association of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky and "V.Sukhomlynsky school and twenty-first century. " research laboratory of USPU.
In order to improve the legal education of students the University Research Library has organized "There is the right that maintains the hope " journal devoted to the issue of human rights to emphasize that the legal knowledge is necessary for everyone, it helps in difficult situations, provides...
The Famine was a terrible tragedy for the Ukrainian people. In the historical literature there is no consensus on the causes of the famine of 1932 - 1933. The Soviet historiography denied the existence of famine, and millions of peasant victims called it “an invention of the...
The new season of the Imaginative and Quick-Witted game has kicked off! On the 13th and the 14th of November everyone had the great opportunity to watch the most fun and witty students of our University because those were the qualifying games for the final competition for the Cup of the Rector....
The life of students, teachers and staff of the University is not all about educational and scientific activity. It is also learning something new, interesting and exciting. This time everybody had a chance to create wonderful and amazing flowers and floral arrangements at the master class of...
The representatives of the University who have won the "EMINENCE" grant program are happy to study, research, learn the language, culture, traditions, find new friends and establish new academic relations at the universities in Portugal (University of Porto, Porto) and France (University of...
According tthe Decree of the President of Ukraine (August 19, 2013 № 430 /2013 "On measures in connection with 80th anniversary of Holodomor 1932-1933 in Ukraine" the action plan of Cherkasy Regional State Administration in the university initiates a number of activities.
The students of Foreign Languages Department decided to warm up the feelings on the gloomy autumn day with a friendly student tea ceremony. It was a pleasant surprise for all students and teachers. Apparently, drinking tea was first mentioned in the Ukrainian literature in the Chapter IV of the...
Dear colleagues and students! Ukrainian Association of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky and "V.O. Sukhomlinsky and the School of the XXI century" research laboratory invite you to the presentation of new publications of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky that is going to be held on November the 20th at 11.30 in the...