Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

In the end of the last year USPU visited representatives of alpine skiing school “Bukovel”. The aim of their visit was selection of candidates to the post of assistant-instructor of alpine skis at Bukovel Ski School. More than 70 students attended lectures and passed exams. The best students of...
The scientific group Webometrics has published the ranking of world’s universities for January. According to the results of 2015 first rating Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University takes the 19th place among HEI of Ukraine. Among ranking of European HEI (Central and Eastern Europe), our...
Recently was held II International Olympiad in English Gniezno-Uman 2015, which was organized by primary school №3 named after Saint Wojciech (Gniezno), general education school №7 and №14 (Uman), Institute of European Culture of Adam Mickiewicz University in Gniezno, and Pavlo Tychyna Uman State...
At Technology and Pedagogics Department foreign students got acquainted with Ukrainian culture. Participators in International competitions of decoratice and applied art, their winners, leading lecturers of the department, candidates of pedagogical sciences, assistant professors Oleg Melentiev,...
Scientific library of the university has a testing access to electronic resources database IPRbooks until the 9th of March 2015. ELS IPRbooks is an access to modern issues in all branches of knowledge (natural, technical, medical, social and humanitarian sciences). The users of the website...
Choice of the future profession is one of the most important steps in life. The right choice is the beginning of successful self-realization, psychological and financial well-being. But how to choose the profession which will help both to be useful for people and to do what you like? In the...
Dear students and lecturers! We inform you on the access opening to publishing house “Educational literature centre” – one of the biggest publishing companies in Ukraine, which pubishes educational and reference literature in humanitarian, natural and technical sciences, bookkeeping, finances,...
In Kyiv on the 13th of February took place two events, in which participated scientists of our university with professor Svitlana Sovhira at the head of Uman regional centre of International Association of ecologists. It consisted of International ecological forum “Ecology policy: between crisis...
Put a piece of bread on the glass Stoop your head because of eternal grief For those who were killed in Afghanistan, For those who had their souls crippled. On the 15th of February, the date of 26th anniversary of withdrawal of troops, took place a rally at “Molodizhnyi Square”, dedicated...
St. Valentine’s Day, known as Day of all beloved, came to us from abroad and became one of the most popular holidays among the youth. The day before this romantic holiday the university scientific library organized a psychological training “Two hearts” in the reading room №2. Lecturer of Social...