St. Valentine’s Day, known as Day of all beloved, came to us from abroad and became one of the most popular holidays among the youth.

The day before this romantic holiday the university scientific library organized a psychological training “Two hearts” in the reading room №2. Lecturer of Social and Psychological Education Department Victoria Bodnar and workers of “Friendly to the youth clinics” (coordinator Nataliya Grechko and psychologist Victoria Ovcharuk) helped with the organization of the event.

The aim of the training was: understanding yourself, psychological differences between a man and a woman; ability to differentiate between love and amorousness; development of psychological competence.

The lecturer Victoria Bodnar told about peculiarities of the concept of “love” to close people and relatives, taught to understand each other in everyday life.

All the present did exercises and tests, which enabled them to reveal their potential and become more confident in themselves.

A librarian Olga Prokopchuk presented literature, which touches upon personal psychology problems, preparation of the youth to connubial relations and psychology of relations in general.

The training turned out to be very successful in terms of the event’s subject; student got to know about professional skills and self-development.

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