Choice of the future profession is one of the most important steps in life. The right choice is the beginning of successful self-realization, psychological and financial well-being. But how to choose the profession which will help both to be useful for people and to do what you like?

In the process of professional self-determination plays an important role professional diagnostics. It is one of the main means of personal estimation and self-appraisal, which is directed towards individual and psychological qualities study and taking them into consideration while choosing profession and effective professional activity.

Centre of psychological diagnostication and training technologies at USPU helps future university entrants with their future profession choice by individual and team psychological trainings and career guidance diagnostication. The qualified specialists-psychologists conduct career guidance diagnostication, defining individual and psychological peculiarities, disposition to definite type of professions, possibilities in chosen profession for professional self-realization. According to results of computer tests, specialists of the centre help to analyze its results, define strong and weak points of the person, list of professions, which correspond to person’s character, ways of internal potential realization.

Career guidance diagnostication and professional consultation is carried out after lessons and require payment. The training costs 100 hryvnias per person. The career guidance diagnostication costs 55 hryvnias per person.

Address of the Centre of psychological diagnostication and training technologies is: Uman, 28a Sadova Street, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, room 219. Tel.: (063) 850-74-23, electronic link in the social website

Learning yourself and your future profession, remember the important thing – whichever specialty you choose, try to be high qualified specialist!

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