Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

University administration and University Young Scientist Council announce a competition “The best young scientist of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University 2014”. The main aim of the competition is revealing of talented youth and support of scientific researches of USPU young...
An International Day of Civil Protection is celebrated on the 1st of March. On this day came to effect statute of Civil Protection International Organization that enlists 50 countries-members. The Day of Civil Protection is marked with the aim of knowledge propagation and training for struggle...
On the 24th of February took place a rewarding with diplomas of participators in the English Language contest “Uman-Gniezno”. In the international contest took part 32 pupils of 6th forms from Uman schools №14 and №7 and Gniezno (Poland) primary school №3. The participators of both rounds...
Foreign languages’ learning is not an easy task. It’s a continuing and complicated process, which demands a lot of efforts and time. Nowadays it’s very important to know the languages at times of scientific progress and developed information technologies. To paraphrase a famous saying, who knows...
After entering our university to get second higher education Oleksandr Shaboldov attrected everybody’s attention as he came to examinations dressed in bright embroidered blouse. It might be not so strange if that time (three years ago) embroidered blouses were as popular as nowadays. Besides, this...
In nowadays difficult and dramatic for our country situation arts and art creators are involved in social events. It’s not strange, as arts always have a big influence on society’s spiritual state. Creative Ukrainians organize with devotion artistic fronts in order to propagandize everything which...
Recently, at Cherkasy Regional Institute of Pedagogical Workers Adult Education took place a festive meeting on the occasion of III stage International Linguistic and Literary Contest named after Taras Shevchenko winners rewarding. In the contest participated the best experts in Shevchenko’s...
Communicative skills of a pedagogue are an important feature, which lies in teacher’s professional ability to communicate, stimulate positive emotions and feeling of satisfaction from communication. Communicative interaction influences all the spheres of teacher’s professional activity, that’s why...
Under the motto “We are for peace” starts the second shift of national and patriotic camp “Action” at Social and Psychological Education Department. This shift opening is dedicated to honouring participators in the Revolution of Dignity and commemoration of Heavingly Hundred.
Dear university entrants with special educational needs, who wish to study at the university! On February 26, 2015 on basis of Social and Psychological Education Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University will be held career guidance and educational action “Open Day for...