Put a piece of bread on the glass
Stoop your head because of eternal grief
For those who were killed in Afghanistan,
For those who had their souls crippled.

On the 15th of February, the date of 26th anniversary of withdrawal of troops, took place a rally at “Molodizhnyi Square”, dedicated to commemoration of soldiers killed on the territory of the other countries. Lecturers and students of USPU joined the solemnity, honoured courage and heroism of soldiers-internationalsts who are the example of dedication to people and country.

In the rally participated representatives of city and regional council, participators of battles in Afghanistan, their families and families of perished, students, indifferent citizens.

Acting mayor of the city Oleksandr Tsebriy, head of Uman Regional State Administration Yaroslav Skus, head of Uman Regional council Oleksandr Diachuk, leader of Uman Council of soldiers-internationalists Oleg Zaichenko made a speech.

This day was expressed gratitude to soldiers-internationalists, to soldiers who currently fight in the East of Ukraine, to families of perished warriors. The city administration representatives handed in diplomas, financial aids to the families of died in Afghanistan soldiers.

By a minute of silence were honoured the Heroes, who participated in military conflicts regulating. Afghanistan soldiers from Uman, their families laid down flowers to pedestal of the monument.

History set us apart from time of the war in Afghanistan. But we cannot forget heroic deeds, examples of faith to military services, which was demonstrated by thousends of Ukrainian men. Even if it was not our war, because the men protected not our country, but the military duty was carried out honestly and with victory.

The war left behind thousands of victims, tears and grief of peaceful families. Afghanistan war is still a part of many people’s lives.

It’s a pleasure to say that former soldiers preserved their fraternity and fighting spirit, they lead active life, bring up young generation for the sake of Ukraine’s development and consolidate Ukrainian society. The warriors accepted aggressor’s challenge, demonstrated patriotism, courage, fortitude and strength of mind by protecting frontier of our country in the East.

To have future, we should remember and honour our past, even if it is bitter. We are grateful to the heroes of World War II, participators of local wars, the ATO heroes, al those who gave their lives for peace. We thank the survived for their heroism, courage, strength of mind, devotion; we pray for the souls of perished.

The USPU will honour the Afghanistan warriors in the concert “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten, which takes place on the 16th of February in the university assembly hall.

Let’s remember all those who live with us, and those who hasn’t come back.

Reference. The Afghanistan war lasted from the 25th of December, 1979 until the 15th of February 1989. Almost 170 thousand Ukrainians participated in this war. According to the official data, 13.100 died, but according to the words of people who were at this war, there are much more killed; during the first years of the war it was forbidden to write on the epitaph, that people were killed in the war.

At about 8000 Ukrainians were wounded, among them 4687 became disabled. Among 72 Heroes of Soviet Union 11 were Ukrainians. Nowadays in Uman live more than 300 warriors-internationalists.

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