In Kyiv on the 13th of February took place two events, in which participated scientists of our university with professor Svitlana Sovhira at the head of Uman regional centre of International Association of ecologists. It consisted of International ecological forum “Ecology policy: between crisis and reforms” and General meeting of International Association of ecologists.

In the forum participated citizens of different countries (Kazakhstan, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland) and different Ukrainian universities. During the forum were discussed such global problems, as higher ecology education transformation in the framework of Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and Ecological Constitution of the Earth implementation, European experience in community participation in formation of ecology policy in Ukraine, etc.

At the general meeting were presented problems of education, practice, nature protection activity, reports of regional centres heads.

Our university ecologists presented their reports, among them: Svitlana Sovhira (Ecological training of future teachers of biology at university), Roman Podzereia (Soil fit for organic agriculture work in Cherkasy region), Svitlana Lyulenko (Readiness of future teachers nature protection activity at school), Nataliya Dushechkina (Education priorities in innovation development of domestic economy).

Noteworthy was admitting to association new members. From Uman university their certificates received Ph.D students Nataliya Dushechkina and Victoria Berchak.

Svitlana Sovhira received a diploma for active participation in International Association of ecologists.

Uman regional centre of International Association of ecologists hopes to enlarge the amount of members. Everybody willing to, can apply at the following address: USPU, building №1, room 211.

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