The scientific group Webometrics has published the ranking of world’s universities for January. According to the results of 2015 first rating Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University takes the 19th place among HEI of Ukraine. Among ranking of European HEI (Central and Eastern Europe), our university takes 257 place.

It is known, that Webometrics ranking of world’s universities is one of the most popular rankings in international educational space. Results of Webometrics investigations are published twice a year (in June-July and January-February) and comprise 12 thousand universities all over the world. The ranking estimates the availability in the Internet, level of publications’ influence on world’s scientific progress, filling and popularity of university’s web resources, the Internet users’ confidence in them.

Ukrainian list of Webometrics Ranking is headed by Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. Generally, into the January list were included only 297 Ukrainian HEI.

Among 20 best Ukrainian HEI are 2 pedagogical universities: M. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University and our university.

It’s a pleasure to inform, that in comparison with previous Webometrics ranking results, USPU performs much better:

  • August 2013 – 140 place among Ukrainian, 12519 place in the world ranking;
  • January 2014 – 41 place among Ukrainian, 6509 place in the world ranking;
  • August 2014 – 38 place among Ukrainian, 4794 place in the world ranking.

And now again a very important and deserved victory!

Improvement of ranking positions is the common work, which requires participation and skills of each university worker. Present results of Webometrics confirm the effectiveness of events and actions, which are planned and organized by our university concerning competitiveness and image improvement in home and world educational and scientific space.

We hope that annual improvement in Webometrics ranking will remain for the future.

We congratulate our working group on this pleasant event!

Пресцентр УДПУ