Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

At Social and Psychological Department of USPU was held a presentation of Josip Skarbovskyi’s books. Poet Josip Skarbovskyi is an honourable member of Kazakhstan Poetry Academy, prize winner of some international poetic competitions, Henrich Heine (Germany) Bronze Medal laureate, Interregional...
According to changes in registration procedure and External Independent Assessment and in accordance with cooperation agreement with Kyiv regional centre of education quality assessment there was held a conference “Organization conditions and conducting of 2015 External Independent Assessment....
Work of pupils’ registration to 2015 External Independent Assessment (EIA) of education quality continues. Specialists of USPU registration station help university entrants to submit an application – to fill in register card, meet the peculiarities of work in computer cabinet, get to know about...
In the framework of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine together with British Council in Ukraine project “School teacher of new generation” realization from January 28 until February 1, 2015 in Kyiv there was organised by British Council in Ukraine Winter School on improvement of...
The government has abolished necessity of chapter in occupational safety and health in diploma papers. Decision on abolishment of the order from 21st of October, 2010 № 969/922/216 «On learning organisation and improvement in occupational safety and health, vital activity and civil protection...
On the 2nd of February scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education”celebrated its 23rd anniversary. The head of the laboratory is a candidate of biological sciences Hanna Goncharenko. The scientific coordinator of the laboratory is Agrarian Ecology and Management of Nature Institute...
Our university is famous by its graduating students. Among them is Victoria Globchak, who graduated from Arts and Pedagogics Department of USPU. Now she is a supervisor of the famous all over Ukraine child choreographical band “Step Forward”. She’s a talanted pedagogue who reveal talents of her...
2015 is announced in Cherkasy region a year of Vasyl Symonenko. A famous poet would be 80, but he died when he was 29… In the framework of the events, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian poet-shistdesiatnyk, Maryna Pavlenko, assistant professor at Ukrainian Literature and...
In Ascold tomb They were buried – Thirty Ukrainians were courageous, Young and glorious… Pavlo Tychyna. “To commemoration of thirty” On the 29th of January, 1918 there was a symbolic event in Ukrainian history which became a part of genetic memory of Ukrainian people. This symbol is...
On the 26th of January was held a meeting of Academic Council. By a minute of silence were commemorated perished people in the Eastern part of Ukraine. According to agenda, there were discuused education and scientific problems at the meeting. Pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work...