Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

“The same could be with us, If we had been born that time” Imanuil Gleyser On November 1, 2005 United Nations Organization General Assembly adopted a resolution deciding to commemorate Holocaust victims. It was no coincidence about chosen date; on January, 27 1945 the Soviet Army set free one...
With the aim of youth attraction into social activities of the city, increase level of knowledge in authority activities, the municipal government in family and youth affairs of Uman city council together with public organizations and student councils initiates youth project “Youth Leader...
Our university took the third place in the rating “Best Pedagogical Institutions of Ukraine”, recently published by information resource “”. The information resource “” defines also rating “The Best Educational Establishments of Ukrainian Regions”. Among 10 best institutions of...
On the basis of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University started its work 6 monthes extension courses of lecturers in the category “teacher-tutor (organizer) of distance learning in HEI of III-IV levels of accreditation”, which is conducted by Educational Management University of...
2015 season of open doors days at our university is started! On the 23rd of January such event was organized for future university entrants and their parents. At about 800 university entrants – school, colleges, lyceums and vocational schools leavers – visited the university.
Let’s unite, dear family, so that our Ukraine doesn’t know misfortune… Oleksandr Lazarev Our university students and lecturers participated in the action of All-Ukrainian unity on the occasion of Reunion Day of Ukraine and 96th anniversary of Ukrainian National Republic and Western Ukrainian...
An event of January 22, 1919 – Ukrainian National Republic and Western Ukrainian National Republic Reunion Act resolution – has left a trace in our national memory. This date has been imprinted in history of Ukraine as a big national holiday, which became a symbol of the Ukrainians striving for...
Decorative study of flora is an interesting kind of arts. We can say that it is unique, because there is no person who fails to do this creative work. So it is. To choose a bunch of flowers for a present, to put them into the vase has happened to each person, and this activity also relates to...
In Uman on January, 22 at 14.30 will be held an event of All-Ukrainian unity on the occasion of Reunion Day of Ukraine and 1919 anniversary of Ukrainian National Republic and Western Ukrainian National Republic Reunion Act proclamation. The event will take place at the city central square. We...
The scientific action at Instrumental Performance Chair of USPU Arts and Pedagogics Department is presented at a competition “The best action of Arts and Pedagogics Department in 2014” in nomination “The best scientific action”.