In the end of the last year USPU visited representatives of alpine skiing school “Bukovel”. The aim of their visit was selection of candidates to the post of assistant-instructor of alpine skis at Bukovel Ski School.

More than 70 students attended lectures and passed exams. The best students of Physical Training Department Roman Romashyn, Mykola Cherniy, Yevgeniy Biley, Volodymyr Vovchenko, Victoria Sosnovska, Oleksandr Chornyi will get a job at alpine skiing school “Bukovel”.

On the eve of 2015 New Year our studens started their probation period alpine health resort as instructor of primary level. The students’ working day started with morning forming two deep, the rest of the day they were studied skiing. All our assistant-instructors showed their responsibility, goal-seeking, hard-working qualities. Our sportsmen set up a record in working hours.

Пресцентр УДПУ