Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On this bright day we cordially congratulate you on the 8th of March – a holiday of tenderness and beauty! With the first sun rays, brooklet’s ringing and first flower’s soft aromas comes a wonderful spring holiday – International Women’s Day. On this day humankind expresses it’s gratitude to...
Merry and sunny holiday of Masliana (butter week) was held at Professional and Technology Education Department and student’s hostel, organized by student self-government bodies. The parts of mother-in-law (Sergiy Sobolevskiy) and son-in-law (Oleksandr Bachynskiy) made a fun and there was also...
PAVLO TYCHYNA UMAN STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCES COMPETITION OF ESSAY UNDER THE TITLE: “HELLO, DEAR UKRAINE!” (what is patriotism for me and love to native country), dedicated to 125th anniversary from Pavlo Tychyna birthday To the competition are admitted essays by...
Arts Union under the guidance of Honoured Art Worker Sergiy Arhipchuk started a new creative volunteer project “Art landing force” that would travel around Ukrainian cities with a concert program. Charitable concerts are organized to honour and commemorate killed duration Revolution of Dignity...
Time demands society’s consolidation in irreconcilability to terroristic acts. Much of peace in our land depends upon our attentiveness. These recommendations are aimed at helping the citizens to act in extreme situations, creation of conditions to assist crime inquiry. If you were a witness...
Primary school №3 named after St. Wojciech in Gniezno announces about International Arts Competition “1050 Anniversary of Baptism of Poland – Mieszko’s Christ!”, which will be held under protection of Prymas Polski, Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Poznan and President of Gniezno.
From 26th until 29th of February in sports complex of O. Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv was held a championship of Ukraine in dumbbell sports among students. 140 sportsmen from 27 HEI of Ukraine participated in the championship. Our university represented 2 students of Physical...
In the end of February at the stadium “Umanfermmash” in Uman was held a winter competition in football among women, in which participated 8 teams from Kharkiv, Kyiv, Ternopol, Chernigov, Kostopol and Uman. Uman district was represented by two teams – “Panthers” and “Yatran-Basis-Umanfermmash”,...
In the conference hall (building №1) on the 2nd of March 2016 at 1 p.m. will be held out of turn meeting of Academic Council. AGENDA 1. About changes in Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (new version). Informer: ass. professor D. Baldyniuk 2. About conference of collective...
Each year on the 21st of February International Day of Native Language is celebrated. This holiday is comparatively young – it was established with the aim of supporting language and cultural variety, proclaimed at XXX session of UNESCO General Conference in 1999. Since 2000 this holiday is...