The theme of III All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological seminar with international participation was “DEVELOPMENT OF LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF SEVERAL STAGES NATIONAL EDUCATION”. It was held on the basis of scientific and methodology centre in linguistics and didactics at USPU.

The actuality of the seminar rose interest and as a result in the scientific meeting participated 195 lecturers of HEI, specialists in educational methods at city and district education departments, teachers-linguists, teachers of Primary Schools, educators at pre-school establishments from Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkassy regions. In the seminar participated representatives from Russia.

The welcoming speech made pro-rector in scientific work and international collaboration Vladylena Sokyrska.

At the seminar were discussed different problems of linguistics. In the framework of the seminar were discussed content and process approach to study of linguistics in terms of unique system of education – pre-school establishments, Primary School, Basic and Senior School, Higher Educational Institution.

At the plenary meeting made their speech director of scientific and methodology centre “Development of National and Linguistic Personality in terms of Continuing Education” Lidia Mamchur. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Iryna Kucherenko revealed a topic “Defining the Aim of Contemporary Lesson: the Essence and Conceptual Approaches”. Lyudmyla Royenko was speaking about peculiarities of teaching writing the left-handed children. Teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Lyubov Nerubayska made a speech under the title “Development of Linguistic Personality by means of the Ukrainian Language”. Her experience of work with children at lessons of the Ukrainian Language and Literature concerning development of critical thinking shared teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Valentyna Molokanova, teacher of Primary School Viktoria Shtanhey offered a topic “Lesson via Human Pedagogy.

The work of the seminar continued sections in linguistics and didactics of Pre-school, Primary and Basic Education, HEI. The seminar was finished with presentation of methodical recommendations as for popularization and using innovative linguistic and didactic ideas in the framework of development of national and linguistic personality in terms of continuing education.

Пресцентр УДПУ