Record of Ukraine, 2 first and 1 second place was a result of participation of USPU representatives in II Championship of Ukraine in Powerlifting and UPC among amateurs and professionals, which took place in Kyiv on the 18-20th of March.

Kyiv visited the strongest sportsmen of our country, winners of European and World Championships. More than 1000 person observed the battles.

In the main championship of the country participated 350 sportsmen, among them were ours – teacher and trainer at Physical Education Department Serhiy Ilchenko, the following students of Physical Education Department Oleh Lehin, Oleksiy Karskov and Kristina Malachevska.

The sportsmen of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University performed in section extreme grasp. There are the following results:

Oleh Lehin in the nomination of 55 kg among juniors took II place;

Oleksiy Kraskov in the same nomination made 72 repetitions and took I place;

Kristina Malachevska in the nomination of weight of 35 kg among juniors took I place;

Serhiy Ilchenko (Open 24-39) in the nomination of weight of 75 kg with the result 78 repetitions per 5 minutes took I place, performing a standard for master of sports of international level in extreme grasp; he set up a new record of Ukraine.

It’s nice that wherever our students perform they have always good results. We wish them further achievements!

Пресцентр УДПУ