On the 29th of May was held a training, dedicated to “Preparation to 2016 EIA in History of Ukraine”, on the basis of History Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU. The seminar considered organization problems of EIA and prepared recommendations to pass it successfully.

The rector’s assistant, associate professor Svitlana Tsymbal-Slatvinska acquainted pupils of 11th form with heir rights and duties during a test, gave advice on the basis of her many years experience in organization and conducting of HEI in our city and warned of the most typical mistakes from the previous years, made by pupils.

After this, a PhD student of History of Ukraine Chair at History Department Ihor Opatskiy analyzed and demonstrated the participants in training EIA’s the most difficult tasks in History of Ukraine from previous years, in which students made mistakes, and gave advice on overcoming such mistakes.

We hope that information given at the training was useful for its participants and the experience will promote to successful passing EIA in History of Ukraine in 2016!

Пресцентр УДПУ