Pavlo Tychyna USPU has been chosen as a basic HEI in conducting II round of All-Ukrainian competition of students work in “Pedagogical Sciences” according to order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 13.10.2015 №1079. The competition was organized by Pedagogy and Educational Management Chair, headed by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Kobernyk.

On the 17th of March at Social and Psychological Education Department was held a scientific and practical conference, in which participated 15 higher educational establishments from all parts of Ukraine (the list of HEI is available in Ukrainian).

Pro-rector in scientific work and international collaboration Vladylena Sokyrska and Oleksandr Kobernyk delivered diplomas to winners.

Among the winners were also our students. Diploma of II grade received Yulia Masluchenko (scientific advisor – candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Larysa Tkachuk). Diploma of III grade was handed in to Victor Kryvokhata (scientific advisor – candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Natalia Dudnyk).

Our congratulations on victories to students and their scientific advisors, we wish them inexhaustible energy, inspiration, optimism and new scientific achievements!

Пресцентр УДПУ