Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The delegation of the University with participation of Olena Yaroshinska, the Vice-Rector for Research Work, Associate Professor, Olena Dudnyk, the Director of the Institute of Child Development, Dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Associate Professor, Inna Osadchenko, the Head of the Polish...
Team of athletes of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University took part in the championship of Athletics held at the "Umanfermmash" stadium. Our boys and girls competed with the athletes from other universities, colleges, schools, youth sports schools of Uman.
"Theoretical and methodological aspects of art education: Achievements, Problems and Prospects." third National Scientific Conference with participation of the research laboratory of pedagogical competence took place at the Arts and Pedagogics Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU. The fact that the...
Artem Savenko, the Student of the Sociology and Psychology Department at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University represented Ukraine at the World Cup of Martial Arts held in Yalta. These prestigious competitions hosted about 1000 participants from 12 countries. 180 athletes competed in...
A scientific seminar attended by Iryna Nizhenska and Vasyl Heiko, the teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and Law of USPU and the Deputy Director of academic and educational work of the lyceum, students and teachers was held at the Pedagogical Lyceum. The discussion was very...
Recently, the students of Ukrainian Philology Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU had the opportunity to attend interesting presentations. The presentation of “UNIVERSE” Publishing house was taking place with the participation of the Chair of Ukrainian literature and supported by the Dean's...
Traditionally, on the Day of the Artist a number of fun activities were taking place at the Department of Arts and Art and Pedagogics Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU. Today it was celebrated with the usual delight. The freshmen were involved in arts, greetings were heard, and competitions were...
The second year running our University organized the competition - game of the imaginative and quick-witted, the USPU Rector’s Cup to seek talented individuals, promote the moral and aesthetic education of students, and organization of cultural leisure. The participants are the teams represent...
This year the team of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University added 58 young workers. Almost all of them are graduates of the University. This is the highest rate of graduates employed in the University for the recent time. OlenaYaroshinska, the Vice-Rector of USPU, Ph.D., Associate...
There was the report and election conference of the Students' Scientific Society of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University during which a report on its work in the 2012-2013 academic year was discussed and the new members of the Society were elected. In the past academic year the...