Recently, the students of Ukrainian Philology Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU had the opportunity to attend interesting presentations. The presentation of “UNIVERSE” Publishing house was taking place with the participation of the Chair of Ukrainian literature and supported by the Dean's office.

Having exhibited some books and outlined the main areas of the publishing industry, Andriy Savchuk, the Director, gave the floor to the guests - Members of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, Vasyl Hytruk, the famous scientist and Mykola Semeniuk, the notable poet.

Vasyl Hytruk presented his recently published outstanding historical and cultural work "Golden Bulava” which he had been writing for thirty years. It focuses on the Indo - European roots of Ukraine. Peculiar touch was introduced by Ludmila Hytruk, his wife – an artist and designer of women's clothing.

Mykola Semeniuk (who has visited our Chair multiple times) recited some of his deep philosophical poems.

Guests responded to numerous questions of the participants of the meeting presentation, presented their autographs to the students. Memorable pictures were taken.

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