The delegation of the University with participation of Olena Yaroshinska, the Vice-Rector for Research Work, Associate Professor, Olena Dudnyk, the Director of the Institute of Child Development, Dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Associate Professor, Inna Osadchenko, the Head of the Polish - Ukrainian laboratory of Jan Amos Komienski, Olga Skus, Professor and Deputy Dean of the History Department for Academic work were guests at the inauguration of the new academic year 2013/2014 at the State Jan Amos Komienski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno last week.

The Department members congratulated their colleagues on that special occasion, thanked for the cooperation between the schools and outlined ways to further cooperation on the territory of the student exchange. Besides, the delegation got familiarized with the history and structure of the institution, studied the experience of its work and visited memorials and museums in Leszno. During the visit, the delegation met with Tetiana Soloschenko, the graduate of History Department of our University, the doctoral student of Poznan University and Tetiana Shulga, the 3d year USPU student of Economics Department, Yulia Karpyk and Tetiana Matola, the fourth year students of Ukrainian Philology Department enrolled at the State Jan Amos Komienski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno on the student exchange program.

The meeting of our students representing Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University as a partner institution for academic exchange with students of the Polish school was important, useful and memorable. The presentation was a positive outcome: the international students were very interested in our university and expressed their willingness to learn more about Ukraine to try some educational programs at USPU.

This trip is one more step in close cooperation between the education in Ukraine and Poland. And we hope for a bright and fruitful continuation of international cooperation of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and State Jan Amos Komienski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno.

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