"Theoretical and methodological aspects of art education: Achievements, Problems and Prospects." third National Scientific Conference with participation of the research laboratory of pedagogical competence took place at the Arts and Pedagogics Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU. The fact that the conference was attended by the representatives from 16 scientific and higher educational establishments of Ukraine proves the high level of professionalism. The event was held in the framework of the agreements of the University with other universities of the country.

The plenary and breakout sessions involved the scientists from Kyiv, Khmelnytskyi, Kharkiv, Ishmail, Lugansk, Poltava, Mykolaiv, Vinnytsia, Sumy. The topics discussed were quite relevant because training the art teachers is a contribution into shaping the future of our country.

Olena Yaroshinska, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Ph.D., Associate Professor greeted the conference participants and wished them success in their work. Olena Dudnyk, the Dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor welcomed the participants and said that art education required appropriate training and the process of education needed improvements.

The report of Svitlana Solomacha, the PhD of teaching of aesthetics and ethics of the Institute of Education and Adult Education of NAPS of Ukraine, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, was thorough and scientifically convincing. She familiarized the audience with the projecting of organizational and methodical system of artistic and aesthetic outlook of professors of art disciplines in the system of postgraduate education. The participants were very interested to hear the reports "Art Education: craft and professional approach" made ??by Yuriy Afanasyev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; "Functional nature of the components of the educational direction" by Viktor Mozgoviy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; "Self-education as a condition for the formation of professional competence of teachers in post-graduate education" by Liubov Armeyska, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; "National and cultural context of art education in the Western Ukraine" by Natalia Filipchuk, Ph.D., senior teacher of aesthetics and ethics of the Institute of education and Adult Education of NAPS of Ukraine; "Using creative tasks in the process of shaping a creative potential of a future dance teacher during the stage folk dance classes" by Sergiy Kutsenko, the lecturer of choreography and artistic culture.

Lively debates of the scholars continued in the four session meetings "Formation of moral and aesthetic values ??through art", "Artistic personality development during the teaching of arts disciplines", "Training the future teachers of art disciplines in the context of modern educational technology ", "Educational and enlightening potential of art".

Participants also learned about the experience of training the future teachers of art disciplines at the Arts and Pedagogics Department, the material resources and creative teams of the University.

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