Traditionally, on the Day of the Artist a number of fun activities were taking place at the Department of Arts and Art and Pedagogics Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU. Today it was celebrated with the usual delight. The freshmen were involved in arts, greetings were heard, and competitions were arranged. The art exhibition made by the students was perfectly completed with 43 ??solo exhibitions of student Oksana Lavrychenko this time.

During the ceremonial part of the celebration Nelia Skrypnyk, the Deputy Dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Olga Musyka, Head of the Visual Arts Department and Art Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Oleksandr Melnychuck, the Director of “Stara Uman” State Historical and Architectural Reserve, Oleg Syrota, the graduate of the Arts Department, teacher of fine arts at the Uman city school # 24.

Greeting their young colleagues the speakers emphasize that the artists are special people who see the world through the enthusiastic eyes of a child able to see the beautiful things in the ordinary. And the Day of an Artist is purposefully celebrated in the season of beautiful golden autumn when the crowns of trees are flashing with different shades of yellow and purple, when the blue sky lures with its deepness, and kindness, friendliness and warmth of the sun are accepted as a special gift.

The artists received the wishes of lots of inspiration, always skilful pencils and brushes to paint, varied palettes, and a wonderful discovery every day.

"Spanish Sun" catchy dance performed by "Visavi" National amateur modern dance ensemble (Directed by Lyudmila Androschuk, the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Choreography and Artistic Culture) was a great present to the artists from their colleagues.

The beauty portrait competition showed the best portraitists. The jury selected the winners: Oksana Lavrychenko won the first place, Yulia Belous was on the second place (both those young artists are from group 43) and the third place was shared between a Stas Bobay (43group) and Karen Arutyushan and Mariya Musatova of group 15. Contestants were awarded prizes and cash prizes.

These holidays are only life events for the painters while the life of an artist is creative work and self-improvement invisible to others.

So let there be no disappointment on the way of the young artists to their success! Let the teachers help the students develop and deepen their creative and artistic skills!

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