A scientific seminar attended by Iryna Nizhenska and Vasyl Heiko, the teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and Law of USPU and the Deputy Director of academic and educational work of the lyceum, students and teachers was held at the Pedagogical Lyceum.

The discussion was very useful as the legal issues were addressed ("Protecting the rights and interests of children"). It goes without saying that the knowledge of the rights and duties, law enforcement is essential for a successful future, so nobody was indifferent to those issues.

The scientific seminar touched upon the issues important for every person. Irina Nizhenska spoke about obtaining the legal capacity of citizens of Ukraine and how the basic law of Ukraine - The Constitution regulates the rights and interests of the citizens. And Vasyl Heiko spoke about the civil and constitutional obligations of minors, the rights and freedoms of children.

The speakers taught the students and the audience to skillfully and properly utilize their rights and perform their duties without interfering with the rights and legitimate interests of others. That seminar was held at a high professional level which was evidenced by the fact that students and teachers were actively involved in the discussed legal issues.

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