This year the team of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University added 58 young workers. Almost all of them are graduates of the University. This is the highest rate of graduates employed in the University for the recent time.

OlenaYaroshinska, the Vice-Rector of USPU, Ph.D., Associate Professor introduced the new recruitment at the meeting with the youth leaders of the University. She said that 25 young professionals work as teachers of various departments; others contribute to the organization of departments, structural units and chairs.

Natalia Pobirchenko, the University Rector, Professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine warmly welcomed the young employees into the family of the University.

Despite all the unfavorable trends of the modern employment market, the University places a great importance on training its employees. In this case the students were trained to work “at home”. The staff educated in the University is the young professionals with leadership qualities who have an interest in creative work and professional growth oriented for success and achievement. Among the new employees there are the young people able to quickly absorb the best qualities of true professionals who wish to improve their educational qualification and competence. That guarantees a good result.

Early career is always a challenge. But USPU always provides the youth with professional and humane support and overcoming uncertainty the young people may increase their self-esteem and choose their way in life. Congratulating the newly appointed young workers, the Rector stressed that she wouldn’t like this first meeting to highly pretentious or pompous.

- We need to talk as equals. You have to feel with your heart the involvement in our common goals. So to achieve professional success and gain respect among the students you should not get tired of learning, you need to improve and never do the things you did not like in your teachers.

The Rector gave an eloquent example of normal human communication. When Dmytro Tabachnyk, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine unexpectedly visited Pavlo Tychyna USPU both the students and the teachers, and staff he spoke to were passionate about his simple, frank manners of keeping a conversation, and his quick wit, his powerful charisma. The people were fascinated by the fact that the Minister did not behave as a high official. Instead, he showed himself as an ordinary man and therefore nobody was afraid of him, everyone was quite frank with him.

On familiarizing the new employees with the traditions of the University the Rector stressed that building and maintaining a normal microclimate was one of the integral parts of success. But it can not be achieved quickly. It is easier to work in the normal conditions and a friendly atmosphere. Awareness and personal interest of every employee in the outcome of the mutual work, personal qualities like intelligence, attention to detail, flexibility, accessibility, credibility, tactfulness, communication skills, organizational skills, neuro - psychological and emotional stability increases the potential.

- I will support you in the activities beneficial for the reputation of the University, - said the Rector, addressing the audience. - Let your career be successful!

Anna Yakymenko, the graduate of the University and the University teacher since the 1st of September was speaking on behalf of the young employees. She stressed that student years in USPU are the most beautiful and unforgettable ones.

- Being the students we saw and felt our University prospering and showing the best achievements in Ukraine and abroad, - said Anna Yakymenko. - We are treated as unique individuals. We are happy to realize that you believe in us. We will try to justify this hope!

The young teachers were presented with memorable gifts at the meeting to keep the memories of their University studies.

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