At USPU there is a documental exhibition “1932-1933 famishment is Ukrainian people genocide”, which was prepared by lecturers and students of History Department.

The exposition includes historical researches on 1932-1933 famishment, list of thematic documentaries reccomended to watch by National Memory Ukrainian Institute, information posters with some evidences and testimonies, photos from that remote and horrible events which perfectly, without words, illustrate Ukrainian tragedy.

The exhibition opening was held in the entrance hall of building № 3, after it was moved to the place of History Department. In the department’s reading room (room № 308) and in the Uman history laboratory “Uman regional ethnography history” (room № 111) students had a possibility to get to know about horrible pages of history, get acqainted with exhibits. Among the most important documents testifying to authority criminal activities in 1932 were Law “On five ears of wheat” or simply “Ears”, (national name of repressive Soviet law in times of famishment, 1932). There was reproduced a map of demographic situation in Ukraine and separately of Uman region, collected many evidences and testimonies about famishment in Uman.

The exhibition is supposed to develop students’ abilities for historical events understanding, deepen their knowledge, ability to think logically, make conclusions and sum up; educate students human values.

Пресцентр УДПУ