The famishment is a horrible page from our history. It’s so horrible that people prefer not to speak about it. It’s what we want to forget. But we mustn’t! We do remember! We stoop down for innocent victims of terrible hunger pestilence in our rich in bread land. Let’s set on fire candles in memory and sorrow!

We should remember about victims of famishment not only in official dates. If we forget about misfortunes, they will appear again and suddenly. Those who survived the famishment passed a test in humanity and dignity. Let’s remain human-beings and not profiteer from anybody’s grief!

As a result of the Ukrainian people tragedy, there are millions of people who died of famine. We and our generation should remember about this tragedy, commemorate the victims by lighted candles. We should remember about those events, their reasons, consequences and murders’ organizers.

1932-1933 genocide of the Ukrainian people took 300000 Cherkasy region lives; among them were our relatives, neighbours, country men. The most of victims were from Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi, Lysyanskyi, and Talnivskyi districts.

Nowadays, there are a lot of monumants to honour famishment victims in these cities. The tradition of “lightening the candles” should be a symbol, uniting the Ukrainians.

Пресцентр УДПУ