On the occasion of Revolution of Dignity anniversary, 12 group students of History Department suggested students and lecturers to remember the chronology of events, which changed mind and consciousness of many Ukrainians. During a day in the entrance hall of the university new building there was an exhibition under the title “Revolution of Dignity Chronology”. The most important events of the revolution were depicted daily and even by the hour, demonstrated with bright photos which were the basis of the exhibition.

Academic supervisor of the group, Igor Opatskyi has mentioned, “Euromaidan – is the event in the history of Ukraine, in which we have been participating and we don’t have a right to forget about it. Therefore, we organize this exhibition in order to remember the chronology of the revolution events and honour courage and ptriotism of citizens who came to protect their democratic rights, values and freedom, national interests and European choice in November 2013 – February 2014”.

… on the 21st of November 2013 had began the events, which changed the history of our country. The cabinet of Ukraine during the secret part of the meeting made a decision to stop the process of Association Agreement with the European Union signing. Journalist Mustapha Nayem in one of the social Internet networks posted, “Let’s meet in the Independence Square at 22.30. You should be dressed in warm clothes, take umbrellas, tea, coffee, good mood and your friends with you. Re-post is welcomed!” This evening 1500 protesters came to Maidan. It was the beginning of Revolution of Dignity. After there took place protest rally of millions, bloody beating of revolution participators, heroes’ death, and the latter was known as Heavenly Hundred…

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