Ganna Litvinova, 35 group student of Arts and Pedagogics Department, is 19 years old. Since she is 10, she paints and dreams to become a famous painter. But today her dream seems to be unrealizable – her hard disease (muscles and back atrophy) doesn’t give Ganna possibility to walk, stand and even be sitting. She has cute pain in her back which lasts all day long, and without somebody’s help she can’t raise her hands.

The doctors don’t exclude the possibility of her death in between 5-10 years. But even earlier I’ll be forced to stop working, which scares me more than my death. Creative work is sense of my life, - says Ganna.

Operation in spine correction can help Ganna. She can be operated in Orthon clinics (Finland). It costs 46000 euro. The Litvinovs doesn’t have such amount of money.

Dear colleagues and students. Ganna needs your help, help of people who are ready to fight for life. With common efforts we can give the girl a chance to recover and realize her dream to become a real painter! Don’t be indifferent!

Those who want to help Ganna Litvinova, please, contact Arts and Pedagogics Department dean’s office or transfer money to the following account in PrivatBank: 5168 7572 3045 5539, recipient – Olena Litvinova.

She needs the benefactor’s hand of help!

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