At the university hostel was celebrated Armed Forces of Ukraine Day. An entertaining competition program raised mood of all the hostel’s residents. Both girls and boys participated in the competition. The boys showed the way to dress in quickly by whistle’s sign and the way to write beautiful words to girls. The girls were writing about their waiting for boys from the army. The future defenders (both girls and boys) were examined in drills methods execution.

Ukrainian Cossacks were famous by their strength, generosity and resourcefulness, sence of humor and uproar. Our boys have shown that they are worth descendants of glorious ancestors. They demonstrated their strength in the competition “Barbells lifting for bicepses”. For girls there was a competition which showed that a girl can be a nurse, binding wounded fighters a head.

Lecturer of Primary Education Department Oleksandr Scherbak told funny stories and role-played a tale “Kolobok”; he missed life in the hostel, as he has been a student not so long ago. The holiday was held owing to Primary Education students. The music was chosen by disc jockey Fedir Bukura; Oleksandr Matveev told anecdotes and funny stories about army life. The moderators of the holiday were Nataliya Shkunyda and Myhailo Gorschinsky. The event was prepared by Educative Work Department specialist Tetyana Bondarchuk.

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