Regional scientific and methodological seminar “Vasyl Skurativsky – is a working Titan in the field of national and cultural revival (to the 25th anniversary of famous folklorist and writer)” was held by lecturers of Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and Teaching Methods Chair, PhD students, workers of scientific and research laboratory “Cherkasy Region Ethnology”, master students on the initiative of the laboratory head, professor Nataliya Syvachuk.

The seminar testified that a problem on ethnology introduction into school curriculum as a separate subject raised by Skurativsky in 80-90th of the past century is still urgent. His first work “Beregynia” was the first manual in ethnology, teachers’ in ethnology desk-book.

A folklorist and a writer, he left in heritage 21 book, among which the most famous are “Rusaliyi”, “Vinets”, “Diduh”, “Misyatselik”, “Memory’s talisman”, “Pogostyny”, “Posvit”, “Pokut”, Christmas Eve”, “Ukrainian Year”. For many years he was the main editor of all-Ukrainian ethnological periodical “Beregynia”.

The seminar coordinator Valentyna Goncharuk shared her opinion on Skurativsky’s contribution into national and cultural revival. She also mentioned that Vasyl Skurativsky visited several times the laboratory “Cherkasy Region Ethnology”, communicated with students and lecturers, and discussed investigation of various constituent parts of traditional spiritual and material culture. The famous folklorist was glad that at our university is carried out in the highest level ethnology work owing to efforts of the laboratory director, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nataliya Syvachuk, lecturers, PhD students and student.

The work of the regional scientific and methodological seminar was divided into thematic directions. The main periods of Vasyl Tymofiyovych Skurativsky life were defined. Separate discussion was centered round his ethnography and folklore studios. Writer’s ethnography heritage in contemporary school using was investigated.

Laboratory’s director Nataliya Syvachuk mentioned about great importance of Vasyl Skurativsky’s first book “Beregynia” for national revival in Ukraine, its introduction into Ukrainian ethnology in educational process and defined a task of the youth: to follow Vasyl Skurativsky’s work.

Very interesting and informative were masters’, philology students’, and Ukrainian ethnographers.

Nataliya Zhyvko, 51-m group master student, told us about unknown facts of V. Skurativsky’s biography.

Alina Boreiko, 62-m group master student, told the audience about organization in 1989 of folklore and ethnography expedition “Tchoomak roads” by Vasyl Skurativsky, which amazed all the present by its quantity and quality of gathered material in different branches of national traditional culture;

Raisa Stolyar, 51 group student, revealed the achievements of famous folklorist in his research of traditional calendar rituals;

Iryna Kucheryava, 62-m group master student, analyzed materials of V. Skurativsky investigation under the title “Ukrainian families’ customs”;

Valentyna Semerenko, 62-m group master student, told about V. Skurativsky’s investigations on Ukrainian mythology.

Methodical recommendations for V. Skurativsky investigation materials using in contemporary general education school made up and analyzed 62-m group master student, Alla Snisarevska.

Summing up, it was mentioned, “V. Skurativsky all his life has been serving for national and cultural revival of Ukraine, which can be observed in his works, active civic position. He was worried about Ukrainian society spiritual decline and made his best for Ukrainian national spirit revival!

Vasyl Tymofiyovych Skurativsky is all-rounded personality, scientist, ethnographer, journalist, popularizer. His word excites patriots of Ukraine, who are worried about Ukrainian fate, past, and future. The creative heritage of one of the most famous Ukrainian folklorists of XX century Vasyl Skurativsky is a very valuable heritage for our next generations.

Contemporary young people, future lecturers and teachers should follow and continue Skurativsky’s work: introduce ethnology in educational process, use his investigation materials in humanitarian disciplines teaching, and carry out expeditions according to his methodological instructions.

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