On the initiative of lecturer Vasyl Semenchuk at Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnology and Teaching Methods of Ukrainian Philology Department in the framework of 200 anniversary of T. Shevchenko birthday and 125 anniversary of Ostap Vyshnya’s birthday took place creative meeting in the assembly hall of the university on the 1st of December with popular and favourite national artist – Hero of Ukraine, National Artist of Ukraine, Shevcheko’s prize laureate Anatoliy Palamarenko. Students of Ukrainian Philology and Arts and Pedagogics Departments, lecturers participated in the event.

In the beginning of the meeting Anatoliy Nestorovych presented the students audience his works. The artist delivers lectures in the discipline “Word” for students of M. Dragomanov National University, teaches an academic course of scenic language in P. Chaikovsky National Music Academy. Recitation is a work for his soul, real mission, his life.

A famous master of artistic word recited extracts from Taras Shevchenko and Ostap Vyshnya works. The audience was excited of his performance of satiric poem “A Dream”, “A Cold Gully” by Shevchenko, “My Autobiography” and “A Fair” by Ostap Vyshnya. The artist was very precise, he carried author’s style and the main idea of each work of art, his intention was students’ understanding of deep author’s idea and Ukrainian word richness.

Anatoliy Palamarenko has bright appearance, real actor’s temperament, possesses perfectly his voice and his emotion are true, bright and honest. Each work of art he fills with his own content.

Anatoliy Nestorovych shares his experience among young generation, as he hopes that communication is a mystery of word successful mastering, it is very important for future teachers.

Meeting with such a personality is special event, aesthetic pleasure, art of word understanding. The audience applauded standing for master (this year Anatoliy Palamarenko celebrated his 75th anniversary.

In the end of the event everybody could ask Anatoliy Palamarenko for autograph, take a photo and thank him for a wonderful meeting, informative, useful and full of emotions.

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