Pavlo Tychyna USPU delegation took part in Open Doors Day, which was held at Uman educational complex ““Yu. O. Gagarin general education boarding school of I-III grades – pedagogical lyceum”. The delegation consisted of prorector in scientific and pedagogical work Tetyana Kochubei, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor at Practical Linguistics Chair Iryna Khlystun, lecturer at Biology and its Teaching Methods Chair Kateryna Tarnogurska and coordinator in collaboration Iryna Mustaeva.

Tetyana Kochubei welcomed teachers and pupils on behalf of rector, professor Oleksandr Besludnyi on Open Doors Day and gave a present – decorated box, made by our university students. The event’s guests had an opportunity to examine the exhibition of teachers’ and pupils’ creative works, handmade school-leaver’s albums of different generations, scientific, educational and sports rewards of Lyceum, they also visited a museum of cosmonautics.

The event was ended by performance of a play “Forest Song” by Lesya Ukrainka, carried out by shadows theatre. The staging told the audience about beauty of human feelings, inner world harmfulness, necessity of harmony between human beings and nature.

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