Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

In March on the basis of K. D. Ushynskyi Pivdennoukrainskyi National Pedagogical University (Odesa) was held the II stage of All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in natural sciences, technical sciences and humanities in specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology by Age”. This year our...
Murmur fade away, light was switched off in the hall, And suddenly, captivating all emotions, A curtain moved apart… and a bloom Of life, which like a tale, and the tale is like a life. On the 25th of March on occasion of 15th anniversary of Student National Theatre of Drama and Comedy and...
On the 19th of March, the day before 85th anniversary of Lina Kostenko, a queen of Ukrainian modern lierature, and World Day of Poetry at Ukrainian Philology Department was held a regional competition of T. Shevchenko’s poetry reciters. In the event participated pupils of 9th – 11th forms of...
On the 21st of March it is a day of vernal equinox, which is traditionally considered to be the first day of spring and the symbol of new beginnings; on this day World Wood Day is celebrated. At this day specilists discuss on wood’s problems, its ecological role and usage, wood resources...
With I Diploma was marked a scientific work of Olga Perepelyuk 44 group student of History Department (scientific supervisor – doctor of historical sciences, professor, dean of History Department Tetyana Kuznets) at All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in specialty “Historical...
In March of this year students of different departments of our university took part in the II stage of All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works. On the 17th of March at Kharkiv National Economic University was held a final scientific and practical conference of All-Ukrainian...
On the 19th of March 2015, there was held a round table “Modern approaches to learning of the Ukrainian Language and Literature at school” at the Institute of Pedagogy of NAPS of Ukraine, which was dedicated to 90th anniversary of corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, doctor of pedagogical...
On the 17th of March at the meeting of university comission (head of comission – pro-rector in scientific and pedagofical work Vladylena Sokyrska) have been defined winners of the II stage competition “The best manual” and “The best educational accessories”. The books of university scientists...
On the 28th of March at 20.30 on the initiative of “Ecology and Education” laboratory and Natural Sciences and Geography Department will be held an event “The Earth’s Time” in the yard of the university building №3 (external lightening of the university and electronic instruments will be switched...
In these latter days, unfortunately, people leave us, the people, who have given us strength to live, who have been an example for us, embodied confidence and joy of living. Such a person was Kuzma “Skriabin”. Social and Psychological Education Department students together with Student Council...