Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Student National Theatre of Drama and Comedy of USPU presented national theatre art0lovers an interesting piece of work. On the 6th of October in the assembly hall of the university was held a long-awaited first night of film-performance by I. Karpenko-Karyi “Luckless”. During festivity there...
A festive opening of sports and athletics meeting of first-year students took place at USPU Physical Education Department. In the framework of the meeting was held a competition in track and field athletics, in which participated about 100 students from four teams. There were 6 kinds of...
Annually from 1997 in Ukraine is celebrated Day of Jurists on the 8th of October. In October 1061 prince Yaroslav the Wise wrote first 18 articles to the most famous collection of an ancient Rus law – “Rus truth”.
From June 2015 in Ukraine is being realized National Initiative Open Court. The project unites jurists and volunteers all over Ukraine who, by shooting judicial hearing, secure democratic problem solving in a court.
Student of Physical Education Department at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Yaroslav Petrychenko is defined as a best boxer of the last few years in Ukraine. During a festival of Uman City Day a head of Cherkasy regional state administration Yuriy Tkachenko presented Uman club a...
Library of USPU is a place where people of different age can satisfy there reading tastes. Everyday task of our librarians is to evolve users’ needs in obtaining knowledge, enriching intellect and erudition, formation reading interests and interest to read.
Volunteers of Student Social and Psychological Service (SSPS) organized a small quest “Old Flint’s Treasures” for children from social and pedagogical rehabilitation centre in Uman. Students reproduced for kids adventurous world. An old Flint and his pirate team meat them. Children were...
For success in teaching and upbringing of students, national values development, patriotism and democratization consolidation, on occasion of Education Workers Day the annual regional reward named after Oleksandr Antonovych Zakharenko received head of Pedagogy and Educational Management Chair at...
On the 3rd of October Uman celebrated its City Day. This year traditionally on the first Saturday of October were prepared various interesting events for Uman dwellers and guests of the city. Great part of actions was dedicated to annual actions. The main accents were put on amusement for...
Whole-hearted congratulations to our university collective on their professional holiday – Education Workers Day! Dear colleagues! Dear students! Those who choose pedagogical career take responsibility of their pupils and students. By your everyday work you confirm that it is a big happiness to...