Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Scientists of scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education” at Nature and Geography Department organized a one-day scientific and ecological expedition with nature protection aim (director Svitlana Sovhira). The expedition joined lecturers Ganna Goncharenko, Andriy Maksutov and PhD...
In the city of Rachica (Czech Republic) from 10th until 13th of September took place World Championship in dragon ball. In the competitions participated 840 sportsmen all over the world. Ukraine was represented by a team “Otaman” from Lviv with our third-year student of Physical Training...
Dear workers of tourism, please, except our frank congratulations on professional holiday- Day of Tourism! Nowadays tourism is one of perspective directions of social and economic development of our country, regions and cities. Each year Ukraine attracts by its unique natural resources,...
Our whole-hearted congratulations on the professional holiday of people who enriches the world by knowledge, their warm hearts and humanity! Profession of educators and workers at preschool establishments is honourable, but difficult job, as development of future citizen’s personality is an...
On the 23-25 of September in Vinnytsia took place V all-Ukrainian congress of ecologists. Except Ukrainian representatives there were present international guests from Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Georgia, Canada and Byelorussia. Delegates from our university were professor Svitlana...
In contemporary world of information technologies it is possible to change ordinary school manual to his electronic analog, and additionally to place the whole school program into one device. What you need is just to download a book to a plotter or the other gadget and to take it with you. To...
Rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, professor Oleksandr Bezlyudnyi received an official letter from director of family and youth department at Uman city council Nataliia Vdovychenko about results of All-Ukrainian competition of business projects concerning entrepreneurial...
USPU representatives took part in city holiday of football – festival “Open Lessons of Football”, which was organized for more than 200 boys and girls, Uman school pupils of 5th form. Dean of Physical Training Department, Halyna Besverhnia welcomed young football players on behalf of Pavlo Tychyna...
To your attention is offered Repository of educational content. On the website you can find at about 50 new books (according to a new program), the other teaching aids and a calendar planning. Collection of these materials will be constantly enlarging. Uman educators have their own...
Recently in Boryspil took place an annual championship of Ukraine in weights juggling, dedicated to 1000 anniversary of the city foundation. In the competitions took part about 70 sportsmen from different regions of our country, among them were 2 students of Physical Training Department at...