On the 20th of May at our university was held a Festival of Pedagogy Art – a holiday for creative people, pedagogues and audience. This year the festival celebrated its jubilee - 25 years running Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University student youth demonstrated their knowledge, talents and skills at the stage.

The welcoming speech was made by a rector of the university, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Bezlyudnyi.

In the festival participated student teams of Philology and Social Sciences Institute (director – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Valentyna Koval), Social and Economic Education Institute (director – candidate of physical education and sports, assistant professor Galyna Besverkhnia), Child Development Institute (director – candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor Olena Dudnyck), Nature, Mathematic and Technology Education Institute (director – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Kobernyck).

During the first stage of the festival each of teams presented themselves. Members of the teams performed songs, flash mobs, blockbusters, dances, interesting staging and theatrical settings.

The holiday was large-scale. At the second stage participants from each team competed in making up the words – answers to the presenter’s questions. In the fierce fighting won Institute of Philology and Social Sciences, they demonstrated their quick wits and rapidity.

The contest between captains was also original and interesting. They were to continue sentences concerning the sphere of pedagogy. Each captain was inventive and used his sense of humour.

According to the conditions of the next stage the teams were to make up short stories, poetic or prosaic, about school of future, using the suggested words. Students made up stories on interesting topics, and even staged them.

To be a teacher is not an easy profession, but inventive and creative. To work with audience and naughty students is sometimes difficult. But during the next stage of the festival “work with audience” our students demonstrated their high organization skills, creativity and originality. The audience supported teams and did some exercises while singing patriotic songs and staging a fairy tale.

During the last stage of the program the members of the teams offered their look on schools of different countries around the world. This was their home assignment and everybody coped with it successfully. The audience had a chance to travel around different countries and epochs. Child Development Institute demonstrated teaching methods of primeval epoch, Sparta schools, schools of Middle Ages, royal court of Victorian ages and Soviet period. The Institute of Philology and Social Sciences got to know about schools in Scotland, England and Germany. Institute of Nature, Mathematics and Technology education prepared video with the interview about opinion of Ukrainians on foreign education. Together with Social and Economy Education Institute students everybody visited schools in India, Japan and Romania. No matter which schools were paid attention to, our students came to the conclusion that the best place to study is in Ukraine. The teams demonstrated their actor skills, creative thinking and staging culture; they tried to prove that we, Ukrainians, respect the others countries’ culture, history and spiritual ideals.

The program of the festival was supplemented by performances of Philology Department student Tetyana Khlivna and a student from Arts and Pedagogy Department Rassin Bahirov.

The Festival of Pedagogy Art was ended with rewarding teams with diplomas, handed in by head of Education Technologies and Pedagogy Art Chair, Assistant professor Victoria Makarchuk.

2015 Festival of Pedagogy Art proved that our students are real patriots, they are talented and able to solve original and non-traditional problems, they appreciate friendship, support and understand that to be a teacher is a real art.

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