At the assembly hall of USPU has been shown a film “Volunteers of God’s Beads. The battle for airport” (stage directors – Leonid Kanter and Ivan Yasniy” The entrance was free. There were more people who wanted to watch a film than there were seats in the assembly hall. Besides the day before of the first night there were organized meetings with one of the film stage-directors Leonid Kanter at different university departments.

By its genre the film is called by its authors – “art story on documentary events”. The film is about the history of new Ukrainian army development. The rebellious nation overthrew the criminal government and exiled Russion Empire vassals. Film “Volunteers of God’s Beads. The battle for airport” is a ballad about Cossacks Gatylo and Bogema. This is a ballad for new generation. The first scene of the film depicts the events from 2014 winter Maidan events and fierce struggle. And after the funeral of battalion commander Andriy Yurkevych in Ternopil: to follow the dead to the churchyard came hundreds of citizens.

The stage-director told the students that the film was shot without film script; the film group just followed its characters. The characters of the film are the fighters from “Ukrainian volunteer corps” and a head of “Right sector” Dmytro Yarosh. The most of events are set in the “spearhead front” at Donetsk airport and village of Pisky.

Watching the film, spectators were plunged into events at the Eastern part of Ukraine. The film mostly depicted soldiers who were fighting for Donetsk International airport. Leonid Kanter has been shooting the film there for 5 days. The positive part of the film described everyday life of soldiers, their quarrels and jokes and also some special moments of communication with Donbas dwellers. The film is accompanied by music, in particular some fragments of band’s “Who is going downwards” songs and Oleksiy Byckov’s works.

As Leonid Kanter had noticed, the film didn’t have a budget. Both co-authors paid their own money at each stage of filming. The film was shot with the help of moderate technique supplies. The main characters of the film – cyborgs – marked the author’s courage, who even under extreme conditions didn’t stop to shoot a film. When at front, both leonid Kanter and Ivan Yasniy forgot that they were parents of small children. The film was shooting for 3 monthes.

The authors say that the film is motivating, as it stimulates Ukrainians to defend Ukraine.

Soon, on the 13th of June, the film “Volunteers of God’s Beads” will be presented at the festival in Gdansk (Poland). The audience actively supported financially the film and its presentation abroad. The world should know the truth!

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