On the last day of summer there was held a solemn ritual of fresher’s initiation to students. The fest was merry with Ukraine’s flag, university’s flag and standart. Music was touching our ears. Maidan was overcrowded with freshmen, their parents, lecturers of the university.

The beginning of the high day is announced by the sound of festive fanfares. Freshmen with the departments’ emblems make a row. They are headed by deans of departments: Physics and Mathematics Department – professor Oleg Avramenko, Technological and Pedagogical Department – professor Stanislav Tkachuk, Nature and Geography Department – assistant professor Ruslan Yakymchuk, Department of History – Tetyana Kuznets, Ukrainian Philology Department – professor Valentyna Koval, Foreign Languages Department – assistant professor Honored worker of Ukraine Nadiia Brit, Economic Department – professor Olga Chyrva, Physical Education Department – assistant professor Galyna Besverhnya, Social and Psychological Education Department – assistant professor Oksana Kravchenko, Arts and Pedagogy Department – Honored worker of culture of Ukraine, assistant professor Leonid Yatlo, Primary Education Department – assistant professor Borys Yakymchuk, Preschool and Correction Education Department – assistant professor Svitlana Yakymchuk. At the square were also present students of adjoining professions, headed by Iryna Vasyltsova.

This year holiday was marked by special atmosphere. Many people came to a high day dressed in embroidered clothes with national symbols. Patriotic spirit was raised by slogans “Fame to Ukraine”, “Fame to Heroes”.

It was obviously caused by Hymn of Ukraine performing and a minute of silence in order to honour perished soldiers and peaceful people of Ukraine on the South of Ukraine.

Rector of the university, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Honored worker of education of Ukraine Oleksandr Beslyudniy congratulated freshmen, their parents, teachers and co-workers by announcing:

“We live in times when our state is being built, it’s a historical moment. The process of its building is very difficult. It is born with tortures, but it is still alive and it will be. The state is neither given, nor transmitted. It is conquered in severe battles, which lasts until now. Therefore, much depends upon us in which state we will live tomorrow. Freedom is the biggest gift, which a human being got here, on the Earth. Nobody can take it away. Let us to be real patriots, freedom and dignity being in our hearts, our consciousness, and our souls. You should remember that Ukraine is about you. I wish us peace and hope for happy future of Ukrainian Republic.

Honourable guests also expressed their congratulations – Supreme Council’s deputy of I-III convocations, doctor of juridical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Law Sciences National Academy of Ukraine, head of Worker’s Association of Ukraine, Honoured jurist of Ukraine, head of Vasyl Kostytskyi University monitoring council, president of International community organization “Charity Association “Emmanuel””, member of Stephen Weber’s University monitoring council, acting mayor of the city, secretary of Uman city council, our university graduating student Oleksandr Tsebriy.

On behalf of students head of Student Scientific Council, member of University Academic Council, Ukrainian Philology Department student Larysa Sauliak congratulated freshmen, and on behalf of parents – Vita Nosalska, mother of a fresher. To continue mother’s blessing, the “Song about a Towel” was performed by candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor, head of trade union committee Oleksandr Osadchyi. His sincere performance and beautiful voice left nobody indifferent – tears rolled up from eyes of parents.

To a teacher, creator of child souls, who stands at life source, gives strength and inspiration, witness and intelligence, breeds longing for light, were dedicated performances of Arts and Pedagogy Department bands and the “Song about a Teacher”.

Symbolic attributed – a student card and a key were delivered to first-year students Nataliya Alekseeva (Primary Education Depatment) and Vladyslav Petrenko (Physical Education Department) by rector of the university Oleksandr Beslyudniy and honoured guest Vasyl Kostytskiy.

Fresher swore to be faithful to our Alma-Mater, keep and increase its fame. The oath was declared by students of History Department Anastasia Dovhan and Georgiy Bruy.

“We swear to be patriots of our State, spread its nice traditions and put all our efforts for its prosperity.

We swear to bring our love to children, be faithful to chosen profession and responsible before Ukrainian people.

Ukraine’s fate – is our fate, university’s honour – is our honour! We swear!”

Voiced crowed confirmed: “We swear! We swear! We swear!”

Freshmen appealed to remember and honour the best university traditions.

As a patriotic finale, trio “Gonta” of Vasyl Semenchuk, Petro Voloshyn and Valentyn Kupchyk performed a song “Trident is Freedom”.

Solemnities on the occasion of fresher’s initiation to students of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University were finished by collective performance of Hymn of Ukraine.

A picture story you can view under the following link.

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