Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

To ensure successful employment of the "Specialist" and "Master" graduates the experts from the department of student employment have been holding meetings and seminars for all the Departments during December. All Department Deans understand the importance of cooperation between the employers...
A conference of USPU staff with the report of Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of the University on the fulfillment of the conditions of the contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2013 was held on the 23d of December. The report contained much information about the...
We sincerely congratulate Tetiana Kochubey, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor on the successful defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.01 “Theory and History of Pedagogics” on the topic of "Development of...
The information sector of Economics Department of USPU initiated a “journalist Econom Info” contest. The contest was arranged in three stages during each of which the students performed the tasks of the corresponding complexity – they were looking for the Ukrainian equivalents of surzhyk...
Congratulations to Natalia Mykolaiyvna Koliada on the brilliant defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in "General Pedagogics and History of Pedagogics" and "Social Pedagogy"! Congratulations to Natalia Semenivna Pobirchenko, her scientific adviser, Doctor...
On December the 19th Department of Family, Youth and Sports of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration in cooperation with the Cherkasy Regional Youth Resource Centre was holding the VI regional festival of student families in which our students also participated.
On December the 18-19th "Save a fir tree" nationwide ecological action was on the basis of "Environment and Education" Research Laboratory held an exhibition of alternative New Year Trees. The exhibition is based on the creative achievements of the students of Economics Department and the...
Our University maintains the friendly and business relations with all secondary schools in Uman. And since Uman boarding school of I-III degrees named after Y.O. Gagarin was renamed as Uman Pedagogical Lyceum in 2011, USPU always supports this institution. Recently, Uman Pedagogical Lyceum...
In current conditions, increasing the efficiency of interaction between education and business, adjusting the needs of universities with the economy are extremely important issues because the requirements of employers to graduates increase every year. To study the expectations of young employees...
A long awaited event - "In fashion" performance based on the play of M. Staritsky has taken place in the assembly hall of the University. Once again, the participants of the student folk theater of drama and comedy impressed the audience with a perfect acting which almost equaled to the real...