St. Mykolai’s day was celebrated in the university hostel. In spite of light had been switched off in the beginning, nobody went away and the holiday was succeeded! The event participators had a fun from the competitions and presents from St. Mykolai.

The celebration was supplemented by “contemporary babky” humour. It was performed by a lecturer of Primary Education Department Oleksandr Scherbak, who had a role of Motrona, and a student of the same department Oleksandr Matveev, who performed a role of Tsvetochek. The event was leaded by sttudents of Primary Education Department Nataliya Shkunyda and Valentyna Slepukhina, who skilfully conducted the competitions. A student Nataliya Kavaler since a childhood had been dreaming of the role of Grandfather Frost, and her wish came true: she performed St. Mykolai’s role, giving students presents. Primary Education Depatment disc jockey Fedir Bukur prepared musical accompaniment and when the light was switched off, he was not at a loss, but helped to prepare lighting.

The event participators were pleased. We would like to believe that a good mood after St. Mykolai’s Day will remain until New Year’s Day and Christmas holidays. To believe in wonder is so good! That’s why it is necessary to live with hope and faith in our souls!

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