Each year the university workers initiate and take part in charitable actions dedicated to St. Mykolai Day. This year there were a lot of such actions and they had become special. One of such events visited children whose parents are at ATO zone or were perished in the eastern part of Ukraine. As a sign of goodness and light was the coming of St. Mykolai and the presents he brought with him for children.

Faithful assistants of St. Mykolai always help them, they are kind and concerned in good deeds people, as many children require attention. At the Preschool Education Department took place a doll theatre which presented to small children an interesting New Year’s fairy tale, the kids liked the gift and they were applauding after the performance. Also they liked St. Mykolai’s presents very much, prepared by students and lecturers of all the departments of USPU.

St. Mykolai Day is an original symbol of the human hope and faith in happy future of Ukrainian children, in which we believe. Nothing unites people more than common good and charity, desire to make somebody happy so that never to see in the eyes of children sadness, grief, but only flash of hope and simply childish happiness.

There are thousands of ways to help the weary world to look in the face of God and to forget for a while about everything unimportant and pitiful. Let’s have the Spirit of good in our souls both at this moment and during the whole year.

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