Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On March 28, 2014 the Institute of Education at NAPS of Ukraine held a scientific and methodological meeting of domestic linguodidactics. The Roundtable on important issues of language education, theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian was organized by the laboratory of Ukrainian language of...
An international project in the cities of Warsaw, Poznan, Berlin and Prague will last from May 4 to 10, 2014. The project participants will visit the International Student Forum with participation of the leaders of the student government of Poland and Ukraine. They will have a great...
March 28 the Arts and Pedagogics Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University held "The artistic heritage of Taras Shevchenko as national patriotic education of future teachers of artistic disciplines" nationwide scientific and practical conference. The co-organizers of the...
"Formation of national and linguistic identity in the lifelong learning" Center at USPU headed by Lydia Mamchur, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, performs active research and methodological activities in collaboration with educational institutions at different levels. Another example...
April 1 the Municipal House of Culture held a final large-scale Imaginative and quick witted game, "USPU Rector Cup 2014." 5 teams of different departments were competing - “Karkade” (Sociology and Psychology Department and Physical Training Department), “Z-economy-ili” (Economics Department),...
Research Library in cooperation with the Department of Pre-School and Correctional Education held a literary discussion on the topic of "A fun book is your joy" dedicated to the International Day of Children's Book. It was held in the reading room number 2. The International Children's Book...
The Innovative Business and the USPU Economics Department has initiated and started "Introduction to Business" training course late March, 2014. The objective of the course is to develop the necessary set of professional knowledge in students, to introduce the theoretical and practical...
As a result of cooperation of Pavlo Tychyna USPU, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Department of Education of the City Council of Uman and Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, a psychological support center for the victims of the peaceful actions on the Maidan and people who need...
March 29 at 8.30 p.m. people of all over the world turned off their lights for one hour to join the Earth Hour movement of the planet. Earth Hour is a chance to give people the right to vote for the resolution of future of the planet and the possibility to unite the efforts in sustainable...
The smartest, the strongest, the fastest, the most elegant and the best ones were chosen at the "Mr. Primary Education Department 2014" contest. It was a grand intellectual and entertaining show at the Department held for the first time. And the audience proved that it was a success!