Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

May Day has been celebrated for more than a century among the working people around the world. It is the day of all workers, their solidarity and mutual support in an effort to live in a peaceful, democratic society. Let this wonderful holiday give us inspiration, optimism and self-confidence,...
Everything starts with the spring - the first thunderstorm, the romantic Ivana Kupala night, the generous autumn fruits... And in this beautiful springtime when the world abounds with spring blossoms and thrives, the exhibition hall of Uman Art Museum presented a solo exhibition of creative work...
The Foreign Languages ??Department at USPU traditionally holds a concert every spring. It is dedicated to the graduates. After all, they will pass the baton to their successors – the junior students, they will bear the proud title of a graduate!
The Scientific Library employees have organized an access to and contributed to a series of online workshops on working with the Web of Science platform from the Thomson Reuters Company. Since our University has trial access to the databases of Web of Science Corporation by Thomson Reuters, it...
Our Polish partner institution, Institute of European culture of the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan organized an event that rocked not only the students and teachers but also the community of the city of Gniezno. As part of a big event of "Night of the university - 2014. European College of...
The problem of drug addiction and alcoholism has got essential in the recent years. If we don’t stop the distribution and abuse of drugs and alcohol it can lead to the degradation of the nation. Therefore, the fight against these negative phenomena is the number one issue for the formation of a...
Last week, the second set of the "1C: Accounting 8.2" course on the basis of the Innovative Business Incubator was successfully completed. The course allowed the students to master the computer processing of source documents in “1C”. This is all they need to know to be able to work as an...
April 26 is the sad anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe, a mourning day for many people. It happened 28 years ago in April 1986. Chernobyl is not only a tragedy, but also a symbol of boundless courage of many thousands of our countrymen. Over the years the acute pain gets dulled, new...
Student Drama and Comedy Theatre of Pavlo Tychyna USPU celebrates the 14 years anniversary. The 14 spring of this creative team sparkles with new performances and excellent acting. Natalia Alexeeva, a true supporter of theatrical arts has been working with the theater all those years. Being a...
According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was approved as a basic higher education institution according to the results of the II part of the nationwide student academic competition in technology. The last week competition...