Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

An international academic competition in English has become a notable event in the educational life of the city. The pupils from Uman as well as Gniezno participate in this competition. This competition emphasizes the common interests of children in Poland and Ukraine, shows a high level of...
Students and teachers of Technology and Pedagogics Department of USPU participated in the "Descriptive Geometry and Computer Graphics" interuniversity blitz tournament which took place on March 25, 2014 in the Uman National University of Horticulture. The students performed complex...
The Physics and Mathematics Department (headed by Oleg Avramenko, the Dean, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences) at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University researched the topic of "Modern technical equipment in the school experiments in physics". The study of the topic was organized by the...
Today is the day of theater and everyone who loves theater - those who work on the stage, who is engaged in acting in amateur groups. The USPU student theater of drama and comedy headed by Natalia Alekseyeva accepts the sincere greetings on this day. The creative team was formed in 2000. It...
In the frames of "Clean Environment" Ukrainian action, USPU organized "Improvement of the educational environment" environmental action which was held on March 26 at the initiative of Svitlana Sovgira, the head of the Chair of Chemistry, Ecology and methods of teaching chemistry and ecology,...
USPU representatives headed by Dmytro Baldynyuk, the Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Affairs participated in the opening of the personal exhibition of paintings by Tetiana Fokina which took place in the art gallery of "Stara Uman" State Historical-Architectural Reserve. The artist and her fans...
"The beauty of women, the warm breath of a flower, Beloved view of joyful eyes, The soft smile that befits the women Is dazzling as the first day on Earth..." Mykola Shchaslyviy A grand event of "Miss Primary Education Department 2014" was held in the new building of USPU on March 24. The...
Recently, there was the regular meeting of the Grand Academy of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Starting the grand meeting, Olena Yaroshynska, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Associate Professor said: “The Grand Academy at which we congratulate our colleagues on the new...
The students and faculty of USPU with the support of the University administration joined the charity event to raise funds for the family of the murdered Euromaidan activist. The collected amount of money was assigned to the family of the deceased Viktor Chernets from Podibna village, Mankivsky...
From 19 to 21 March the National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine (town of Irpin) was holding the second round of the nationwide contest of student research work in the specialty of "Finance, monetary circulation and credit". Anna Korol, the student of Economics Department whose was...