Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

This week Cherkasy Regional Institute of Postgraduate education of pedagogical employees was holding the "Education of Cherkasy Oblast 2014" XIX Regional Exhibition of educational technologies dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko, 60 anniversary of the Cherkasy Oblast and 70...
9-11 April 2014 History Department at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University held II nationwide student contest in "Political Science" for the university students that do not specialize in this area. This prestigious contest has become an annual tradition, this year it was held for the...
Cheerful applause, crowded assembly hall and a lot of bright emotions… This atmosphere prevailed in Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University on April 11 at the Department of Choreography and Arts (headed by Lyudmyla Androshchuk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor). It...
July 22 to August 5, 2014 the youth cultural exchange will be taking place in the European Union countries. The program includes excursions to cities such as Krakow (Poland), Venice - Savona (Italy), Barcelona (Spain), Paris - Champagne (France) - Luxembourg. The cost of the trip: Children...
April 10-12 Kiev Palace for Children and Youth held the "Education and Career 2014" XXV Anniversary International Exhibition and the "Education Abroad" ХІV International Exhibition of universities. The biggest educational event is traditionally organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of...
This is the name of the film about the life and activities of our University shot by “Ildana” company. We recommend you to watch it.
Recently, the male representatives of USPU hostel made a holiday for girls - April "Spring gatherings". It was a competitive and entertaining program for the girls to show their best. They proved that it is necessary to be diplomatic when asking for the permission of one’s husband to attend a...
April 3, 2014 "Actual problems of international postgraduate education: Current Condition and Prospects" Second International Scientific and Practical Conference was taking place at the Institute of retraining and advanced training of the National Pedagogical M.P. Dragomanov University with the...
The representatives of the European Delegation in Ukraine, the Network of European Information held the "Europe Day - 2014. Dialogue about the values" contest of local initiatives to promote the European values. The student social and psychiatric services and European club of Pavlo...
Since April 1 Ukraine has launched "Clean environment" action. The project is focused on the idea improvement of settlements and the surrounding areas, cleaning areas, conservation of protected areas, reserves and other important areas, introduction of environmental education and, in particular,...